
Monday, November 22, 2010

Inspiration: Skate Deck

The main subject for my skate deck is a bird. I have not decided which one yet. I like the cooky kiwi bird and the vibrant flamingo.


I Like the background of this photo. For my background I want to try and incorporate either pastel/water colour art. Possibly of a tree or just the branches/leaves.

This is my idea for the colour scheme.

Research: Skate Deck

For my sketching and communications class we have to design our own skate deck using different meduims

Looking at several different skate deck designs its clear that the design really depends on one's personal style.

 I like the backgrounds of these skate decks. It looks kind of like water colours.Something I may consider for my own background/ 
With these skate decks I like the use of typography and the monochromatic colour schemes.
I really like the boards below. The graphics are nice and bold and there is good contrast. If I don't use these as inspiration for this project I will definitely keep them in mind for future projects.
I like the construction of this board. However, for this assignment I don't think I will be able to carve out my own board. Wood working/ construction is not my specialty. Though I think it would be an interesting project to try out and could work out well with some of the design ideas I have floating around in my head.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Inspiration- Stina Persson

For my DMA179- Sketching and communication class we have to create our own work that is inspired by an assigned artist. The artist I was assigned is Stina Persson. I selected some of her work that I liked and will keep in mind when creating my own work. For more of her work, go to: